About the project
At Least You’re Not Extinct Yet is a game about breeding creatures to delay the inevitable extinction of all life
Game Made in Ludum dare 50
Plataform: Web(windows)
Engine: unity
My Role in the project: Game Designer, game programmer
What I did in the game
- I planned and implemented the breeding mechanics
- I planned and implemented the game's core loop
- Implemented and adjusted the in-game animations
- I implemented the SFX and soundtrack

- Plan gameplay that was simple to interact with, but with a more elaborate system behind it
- Implement a functional breeding system in the game
- Implement and adjust endgame screen share along with meteor animation and SFX
- make the game have a comfy and cute mood
- Testing a concept on more than one engine can help validate a concept and understand the complexity of a mechanic.
- It is possible to adapt a concept and still maintain the game proposal